
Showing posts from October, 2022

Dark Glasses (2022)

 In his 80s, Dario Argento could be forgiven for not bothering any more, or for having absolutely nothing left to shock or surprise us with.  Glad to report, he still cares a bit, and he can still startle his audiences, though not with the trade mark gore you might expect. His last few efforts - Giallo was described as "a deeply disappointing work from a director who seems to be yellowing with age, his vision progressively jaundicing" and Marc Kermode - perhaps forgetting he was talking about a Dario Argento film - decried it as a "depressingly sleazy shocker."  Marc, sleazy and shocky are what makes a good Argento film. Sleazy, geddit?  Mark? And before that there was The Third Mother , an incoherent (again, an expected trait in any Argento film) banal (very un-Argento quality) conclusion to the sequence started with the mind blowingly lunatic Grand Guignol brilliance of Suspiria . So it comes as a pleasant surprise to encounter Dark Glasses , a likeable late piec

Evidence (2013)

For ardent fans of my musings (I know you are out there) the Evidence of 2013 is a totally different cheapie found footage film to Evidence (2012), previously reviewed on A Horror Film Blog. Though - such are the conventions - or constraints - of the found footage genre they might as well be the same film.  You could argue we could just title most found footage films Evidence and be done with it.  Which would at least save someone having to think up a snazzy new title to make their identikit products stand out.  In case you are not too good at reading between the lines this Evidence is yet another specimen of by the numbers found footage malarkey, similar to 99% of other films in the genre. Which isn't necessarily bad, if you like that sort of thing (I do); but if you don't, there aren't any reasons to watch this. For people that do like FF type films, this is a mix up of shakey-cam and more traditional style film as a bunch of cliched cops try to work out what happened to