
Showing posts from February, 2024

Suitable Flesh (2023)

 Suitable Flesh materialised on Shudder recently and I watched it almost straight away. I had low expectations.  They were not met.  I mean that in a bad way. I knew, going in, it was a product of the Troma-style group of film makers associated with Stuart Gordon, a film maker often but inaccurately described as an 'adapter' and sometimes even a 'great' or even the 'greatest' adapter of Lovecraft's fiction. This accolade only makes sense if you have a) never read any of Lovecraft's fiction and b) never seen a Stuart Gordon film.  If you have done both, you'll know even if Stuart Gordon was the only person trying to adapt Lovecraft, he wouldn't be the best.  Some non-Euclidean director existing only in the curious space beyond the walls of Keziah Mason's would be doing a better job, even if the films produced could only be viewed though special spectacles manufactured by Migo and had the unfortunate side effect of rendering the viewer insane.