The purpose of this place: its utility, its meaning

 I like horror films and I like writing about stuff.  So I shall write, here. about horror films I have watched.

I like horror films because I like horror films; I also think they can be important.  What makes us frightened is revealing about us as individuals and societies.  What makes us laugh is revealing as well, but I don't like comedies so much.  Of course, with horror films you often both in quick succession.

I used to blog fairly regularly about politics and books and even - for about two posts - about roleplaying game mechanics.  But life has a habit of getting in the way and I lost my impetus.  Even though ew are living through a time that is -remarkably - even more fucked up than it was fifteen years ago when I started muttering darkly on the internet, I find it hard to think of anything worth saying about the real world.  It's too real.

So I retreat into the world of cinema, and the squalid genre of horror in a bid to impose some self-discipline, sharpen my wits and, lets be honest, rage, rage against the dying of the light.  The greatest horror film of them all is human mortality, and I am not growing any younger.  I find my mind foggily groping after words that used to come easily.  I get tired out too often.  Hell, in a desperate bid to defy inevitables, I have even joined a gym.  That's a whole different horror story.

How will I discuss the horror films I watch?  I n whatever way I please.  I did - many years ago - a degree in Film & Media Studies.  I didn't try very hard and don't remember much of it.  I will be inconsistent, contradictory and often grandly present the bleedin' obvious as a great insight.  So be it.

I'll do it as often as I feel like it and long as I feel like it.  I might even not talk about horror films all the time.  I'll lazily post work other people who are smarter than me have done(with due acknowledgement, of course).

So, yeah.  Welcome to A Horror Film Blog.


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