
Showing posts from November, 2022

Black Roses (1988)

This is a Troma film. If you don't know what that means, avoid. You won't regret not experiencing the Troma trauma.  If you have encountered Troma before, you know what to expect - terrible script; dire performances (with the exception of Carla Ferrigno [aka Mrs Lou 'Incredible Hulk' Ferrigno] who appears in a spikey cameo); clueless direction (the director would go onto to do script work on some notable films, bizarrely) awful special effects; gratuitous nudity; witless, juvenile humour. This one has the added 'attraction' of a bad metal soundtrack.  Because this is shamelessly piggybacking on the 80s 'Satanic panic' about how Alice Cooper was going to make our children worship Belzebub, or some such.  Basically, a terrible light metal band announce they are going to do a special show at the dead end town of Mill Basin. MILL BASIN!! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?! In spite of never having toured before, they are apparently the biggest thing in the universe and